Jinglan Fan

Personal Particulars

Name: Jinglan Fan

Gender: Female


E-mail : 20520111151545@stu.xmu.edu.cn

Telephone: 086-0592-2180418

Hobby: Mountain climbing, Swimming, Reading.


09/2011- present

Current master students major in Organic chemistry, College of chemical engineering, Xiamen university, xiamen, China. Supervisor: Assoc Prof Jun Zhu

09/2007 - 07/2011

BSc major in Applied Chemistry, college of chemistry and materials science, Northwest university, Xi’an, China. Supervisor: Prof Zhenghui Guan

Awards & Honours

1) 2007-2008, National Aspiration Scholarship and University of Northwest’s first-class scholarship.  

2) 2008-2009, National Aspiration Scholarship and University of Northwest’s first-class scholarship.

3) 2009-2010, National Aspiration Scholarship and University of Northwest’s first-class scholarship.

4) 2011-2012, University of Xiamen's Scholarship, Masters level.

5) 2012, Best Poster award Winner at The 17Th National Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry.

6) 2012, JinDa Nano scholarship of Xiamen University.

6) 2012-2013, University of Xiamen's Scholarship, Masters level.

Research Interests

Theoretical and computational Organometallic chemistry, organometallic compounds synthesis, the reactivity of metallabicycles.


  1. Fan, J. L.; An, K.; Wang, X. R.; Zhu, J. “Interconversion of Metallanaphthalynes and Indenylidene Complexes: A DFT Prediction.” Organometallics 2013, 32, 6271-6276.
  2. Fan, J. L.;Zhu, C. Q.; Zhu, J.; Xia, H. “To Bridge or not to Bridge? This Is a Question of Metallabicycles on the Interplay between Aromaticity and Ring Strain.” The 15th International Symposium on Novel Aromatic Compounds, 2013, PSB-15.
  3. Fan J. L.;Zhu, C. Q.; Zhu, J.; Xia, H. Computations Offer an Unconventional Facile Way to Metallanaphthalene.The 7th National Conference of Organic Chemistry, 2011, P2-90.