
Conversions of Osmabenzyne and Isoosmabenzene

We report herein the first example of the conversion of metallabenzyne II and isometallabenzene III. The osmium hydride vinylidene complex 1 reacts with HCCCH(OEt)2 to give osmabenzyne 3 via isoosmabenzene 2. Compound 3 exhibits high thermal stability in air. Nonetheless, nucleophilic attack at 3 provides isoosmabenzenes 4 a and 4 b, or opens the ring to produce 5 a and 5 b.

Stable Iso-osmabenzenes from a Formal [3+3] Cycloaddition Reaction of Metal Vinylidene with Alkynols

The magic of Os: An unprecedented formal [3+3] cycloaddition reaction of 1 with alkynols affords stable iso-osmabenzenes at room temperature (see scheme). The phosphonium substituent at the Cβ position and the 18e− nature of the compound play key roles in the origin of the high thermal stability of the products. Isomerization of iso-osmabenzenes into η5-cyclopentadienyl complexes through metalated cyclopentadiene intermediates is also described.

A metallanaphthalyne complex from zinc reduction of a vinylcarbyne complex

Cl prevents insertion: The first metallanaphthalyne 2 has been obtained by Zn reduction of Os carbyne complex 1. The key to its isolation was the use of o-chlorophenyl instead of phenyl substituents to avoid formation of a putative hydrido metallanaphthalyne intermediate (supported by DFT calculations), which undergoes migratory insertion of the carbyne into the OsH bond and rearrangement to give an indenyl complex as the final product.
